Thursday, August 2, 2007

Pat's Congressional Office

Went by the Cannon House Office Building today. Met an intern at Pat's office. He couldn't give me much information. So, I'm going to email the spokesman dude.

Coupla things: I was so hot and thirsty when I got there but you can't drink the water from the bathrooms so I asked for a drink from McHenry's intern (Doug, Greg, Glenn? .. . this Clemson student from Charlotte). They could only give me an inch of water, that's all they had. I visited my Congressman and all I got was an inch of water in a plastic cup.

Then I saw this poster over a door.

To me, he doesn't seem like a person who thinks anything is enchanted.

And I know it's just a poster but somehow, for him to be in anyway associated with showing children anything (especially with the word "enchantment" . . . well, it gives me the creeps.


arratik said...

I'll bet Steny Hoyer would have given you a little bit more water than that. :)

Drama Queen said...

His staff gave me a pass to the gallery.