Blogs can do much more than you can imagine. Most of all, what I love are the social networking opportunities. How many friends and allies can you meet in your pajamas, on your own time, long after they have left the conversation?

Blogs can entertain. We have some real jokers contributing (just look at the last two posts). Through humor and networking, blogs can uplift. At least a dozen people have told me how much my parody news videos from
WNCNN gave them an
inspiring laugh to start their long days of campaigning last fall.
Check out this latest from fan-favorite Mad Miss Mattie:
Also, and perhaps this is their most significant function: a good political blog can offer readers and writers outlets they would never otherwise have available to them. As to this blog, I'm asking that our stable of writers:
- Address unbalanced or false media reports in their local communities and our state,
- Report on the doings of our local, state, or federal legislators and the candidates who run against them,
- Comment on and/or investigate relevant issues that are or aren't being addressed by the media or our legislators, and
- Promote civic action to bring our views in front of the mainstream media, legislators, and anyone else we can think of.
For that last item, I will give you some primo examples:
On the statewide progressive blog,
BlueNC, a doctor who writes as Robert P. has led an email campaign of support for Rep. Verla Insko's universal health plan known as
Health Care for All. I emailed all of our state representatives, using a script Robert provided. So far, six have responded in person; one through a staff member. None of them were from the tenth district. I'll keep you informed.

Scrutiny Hooligans, Screwy Hoolie is leading a valiant fight against a proposed
oil-burning plant just outside Asheville. Three county commissioners (one democratic) met in private with the builders, Progress Energy. These three said they'd done nothing wrong because there was no quorum. Even with overwhelming public disapproval of the project, the other two commissioners (both democratic) voted for it. Through his blog, Screwy is encouraging protests of all kinds from phoning the local government fraud hotline to educational forums and email and phone campaigns.
Also, at
BlueNC, a co-founder who writes under the nom de plume, Anglico, has taken exception to the
Navy's proposed outlying landing field (OLF) in Washington County, NC. You can click on the link to read all about it. The main point is that even the Navy's own consultants and pilots expect that planes will crash, service men and women will die needlessly.

The first time the Navy proposed the site, it was shot down in court (2003). Under the new rules to fight "terrorism," the Navy has revived the reckless and ridiculous plan. I guess having pilots killed, losing $57 million jets, destroying a wildlife habitat, and the local community's way of life makes sense to them. Of course, there are other landing field sites in North Carolina that would work just as well. The problem: Navy admirals would have to take a longer helicopter ride twice a month.
Because Anglico has inspired his readers to write emails, make phone calls, and ask the right questions . . . Governor Easley, Lt. Governor Perdue, and several congressman are now on the record opposing the plan.
Those are only three examples. One day I'll tell you how another
BlueNC blogger almost single-handedly raised $75,000 for a long-shot Congressional candidate who came within a few hundred votes of upsetting an incumbent. Have you heard the name
Larry Kissell?
What would happen if we found our own Larry Kissell? What would happen if a blogger with that kind of passion and savvy moved to this district? Well guess what, race car fans? . . . we've already achieved the latter.
The Southern Dem is moving to Lincoln County. Click on the link, go to her blog and tell her how much we want her help to replace Pat McHenry with someone like Larry Kissell in 2008.