Could you explain to me exactly why he's now worth $55,000 a year of our money? In fall of 2004, you thought he was only worth $15,000 annually. Does he have something on you?
And look at this young man, your boy. He's scary. Fire him. He can live at your unoccupied condo in Hickory while he job hunts, if you feel sorry for him.
What with your problems with a former staffer pleading guilty for voter fraud, your friend Ralph Gonzalez being murdered allegedly by your other friend Jason Drake, your financial disclosure debacles and the ass you made of yourself nationally over earmarks, wouldn't it lighten the load to dump this one trouble-maker?
From Greg Flynn at BlueNC:
Citation Number: C8285970
Officer Name: SHELOR,M,K
Arraigned Offenses for Case Number: 2007014558 CR
Arraigned Defendant Name: KEETER,JAMES,BRETThttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif
County: GASTON
Court Date: 10/10/2007
Session: AM
Court Room: 002A
5405 Traffic DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED 20-138.1
4477 Infraction FAIL TO DIM HEADLAMPS 20-181
9955 Traffic CIVIL REVOCATION DR LIC (30) 20-16.5
UPDATE: Thanks to Gordon at Scru Hoo for the Wikipedia blood alcohol link. By their chart, he had 7 drinks if he weighs 200 pounds. 6 drinks at 180, 5 at 160. Wouldn't you know you couldn't drive if you'd drunk that much?
UPDATE II: Looks like the North Carolina Young Republicans fired him. He's been a region IV director all year.
But now his name is gone.
Isn't it unusual for a deputy field director for a Congressman to be on the board of the Young Republicans anyway?
Two Young Republicans have told me that Brett's the one who pressured them to endorse Glenn Murphy for College Republicans National Committee chair.
They liked his opponent and Murphy already had one reported incident of unwanted sex act on a sleeping person (with his girlfriend in the room). Now, he's resigned over another similar incident.
Wake Young Republicans have already redacted Glenn Murphy's praise of their "Tailgate" event:
“We really liked the simplicity and creativity of this grassroots campaign,” said Glenn Murphy, Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation. “The GOP Tailgate Contest is a fun, positive way for people to show support for our Republican candidates. We will be implementing this idea on a national level and are excited about the future of the contest.” appears at the NCGOP site but is missing from the "full article" at the Wake YR site.
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