Thursday, March 27, 2008

Things Look Bad for Pat

Things aren't going so well these days for the 10th's Pat McHenry, aka Patty McHorny (for those of us who like to get in some image framing with our news).

This started as a quick and easy short post but as the list grew and grew, I decided to present it in three parts. Starting with:

The Little Things

Yellow Brick Redux gave Patrick McHenry the Laziest Politician Award Gold for "Feeding at the Public Trough while accomplishing nothing." They noted that in the 110th Congress, Pat proposed one "feel-good" bill, four "bills that did something" and 6 amendments to bills. The poorest record for the entire NC state delegation to Congress.

Even Republicans like news@norman like Democratic opponent Daniel Johnson better.

Old time Lincoln Republican leader Jonas Harvey Jr. endorsed his primary opponent Lance Sigmon.

And last, but certainly not least, poor Pat lost 49 - 11 to Lance Sigmon Catwaba straw poll

Next in our series "Things Look Bad for Pat"

Part II: The National Situation for Republicans

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