[Here's BlogActive's Mike Rogers' take on the story.]
Jackie Sullens writes the newsletter for the Gaston County Republican Women, according to their website. And she openly lives with another woman.
And, gee, look . . . here she is having a gay old time with the now-rapidly homophobic future Congressman.
I let you decide if Pat McHenry is as anti-gay as he pretends to be in the "Sanctity of Marrriage" section of his website.

Cross-posted at BlueNC and Scrutiny Hooligans.
what is up with these self hating homos?
There is 1 million dollars waiting on you, Mr. Bank of America Officer Man! Contact Larry Flynt and go tell him your story. If you do not, you will lose this opportunity. There are others and you know it. I'm sure Larry will protect you; otherwise, Pat's peeps will always be watching you.
We know about the plane trip that you and Patrick took after Senator Dole's debt retirement party in 2003. The one that got the FEC all pissed off and the NCGOP covered it all up. Totally illegal. Senator Dole should be sucking wind as well. Jackie Sullens was the Gaston and Mecklenburg Chairman and raised a ton of money for her election..... amazing that Ms. Dole would allow this to happen. Her and Patrick are "conservatives", right?
Patrick McHenry - NOT who he says he is and better yet, a LIER.
Even Cass Ballenger is now supporting Lance Sigmon after this fiasco. Patrick can't even keep his supporters in line nowadays.
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